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​오영섭 대표

Welcome Address_ Pastor Oh Young Sup(Chairman of the Preparation Committee for the Lausanne Media Engagement Forum)

  In an era marked by confusion and conflict of worldviews, rapid global urbanization, and the increasing influence of media, how can we faithfully embody the gospel of the kingdom of God(TEXT) within this CONTEXT? As witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ, how should we fulfill our mission? How can we reveal the power of the eternal gospel in our homes and communities, across generations, and in various spheres of society? These are questions that all Christians and churches, who place the highest value on the Kingdom of god, are grappling with in this age. 

 We must not overlook the fact that a narrow understanding of media as merely the domain of certain generations can lead to generational disconnection, the loss of faith transmission to the next generation, and ultimately, indifference and degeat in the intense spiritual battle occuring within the realm of ‘media’. 

Media, including all methods of sharing knowledge and experiences with contemporaries and conveying meaning acroww eras-from digital platforms like YouTube to newspapers, books, and personal messages-causes substantial influence. It affects indicidual consciousness and worldview, social norms and level of awareness, and even shapes era-specific values and trends. This influence is increasingly magnified. 

   Over the past 18 months, Landmarker Ministry has collaborated with the Lausanne Media Engagement Network to explore how to effectively communicate the gospel and impact people through media engagement trainin programs. The 2024 Lausanne Media Engagemet Forum has been organized to help Korean churches and Christian leaders expand the influene of the gospel through media. Even amidst rapid changes, God’s passionate desire for the salvation of lost souls and the power of Christ’s gospel remain unwaveringly faithful. We hole that through more active communication with this generation via media, and by sharing the gospel and love of Christ, the Korean church will be prepared as a ‘voice of life crying out in the wilderness of media’ to make way for our Lord’s return. 

Young sup Oh

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​루돌프 카부츠 대표

Welcome to the Lausanne Media Engagement Forum, to be held in Seoul, Korea, from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October 2024!

What is media engagement? God has called us and created us to communicate with people in society. God has equipped us with many tools to be able to reach out with his message of love to the world around us.

We want to be exploring with one another: What does it look like to understand the hearts and minds of people in society, to understand their worldviews, their thinking, and the way they live. We want to explore how we can use media intentionally to share God's love with people around us.

Particularly, we want to get to know each other, to explore how we can collaborate, how we can work together, and how we can use the tools that God is giving us to speak into the hearts and minds of people.

More importantly, we also want to understand the influence that media has on our own lives, how the media shapes our thinking and our living, and our habits.

We want to discern what do healthy media habits look like and how can we use the media in a meaningful way as we engage with people.

For all this we have a number of presenters that are going to bring exciting topics to the forum. We've got much time to be able to discuss the topics with one another, and then we are having intentional sessions where we will explore how can we work together, how can we collaborate to share the good news of Jesus through our combined initiatives.

We invite you to join us at the Lausanne Media Engagement Forum in Seoul and I look forward to meeting you there!

Rudolf Kabutz

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